Success keys 3: for life, business & your finances
- 25 June 2014
- Angela Miccio-Harris
We are often told not to do what we are passionate about—it’s too risky, too hard, you are dreaming, be it for life, business or our own financial goals.
But we are encouraged to be more practical, to take the safe road. Just because it's the 'safe road', the known way, does not guarantee success either. We can fail at anything we do I believe that this kind of advice is often based on fear, or ignorance, though some may call it concern. So why not take the other option? The one that we're passionate about? At least then if we fail it was in trying something that we loved. So be sure you're still listening to that internal compass, the quiet inner voice and discover what makes you fully alive, and then do the bold thing! The brave thing! Step out and go for it!
Tips for success
Be prepared mentally though that to succeed in any area, in life, work, business or in your finances you must develop good habits. It won’t just happen. You need to consciously design your own life. Learn to set priorities, overcome challenges and obstacles and do not procrastinate. Realise that what you focus on will become your reality. Your mind, your thoughts can either propel you forward towards success or stop you achieving your goals.
Notice what is going on in your head. Is what you believe true? What strong mindsets have you developed? Are they helping you to attain your goals and to be who you want to be? Do you need to get some new truths? Know that your experience will always catch up to what you believe. Don’t waste your emotional energy of fears, negativity, offense and worries, you need to use emotional energy to achieve your own dreams, goals and daily tasks, be positive, believe.
How badly do you want it?
The 3 steps to success
DECISION: When a thought pops into your head. “I will..... I want......”
DISCIPLINE: You now need to be committed and focused. Plan your day well so you accomplish what you need to. Don’t allow yourself to be side tracked. (Beware of social media distractions that can take you of track, distract you)
DETERMINATION: Persevere! No matter what set back life throws at you or what mistakes you make get back up. Success is always based on how well and quick you recover from failures along the way. Stick with your plan. If you need to learn more or study more, do it! Don’t dwell on any negative comments from other people or what they are saying, or even your own negative thoughts.
Be optimistic, hopeful, confident and focused. Live from your highest idea, your "Best Self". Give yourself a chance. When you complete a task of any size or importance you get a surge of energy. The “Rush” that follows even the small successes along the way makes you feel more positive, personable, creative & confident. You feel ALIVE!
The secret weapon that high-achievers use to become successful
Lastly, have you ever wondered why many disabled people achieve amazing feats? Why do sports people achieve great results? Why do successful business people achieve their goals?
What do they all have in common? Other than the 3 D’s?
They get COACHED! In life you never reach a point where you don't need good input, so if you have somewhere you want to go then don’t be afraid to ask for help. Especially with your financial goals. It'll be harder to succeed in any area, if you’re emotional energy is spent stressing about your finances. Money is important.
I would love to help you move on from where you are currently at and see you get on with living the life you want.
Here's what financial coaching will give you
CLARITY: by analyzing what’s currently happening and why.
KNOWLEDGE & TIPS: to propel you forward and to look out for loopholes.
PLAN: create a budget you love.
SYSTEM: set things up in accordance with the budget so you are aware of where your money is at all times
ACCOUNTABILITY & ENCOURAGEMENT: Get coached so you will achieve your goals & overcome any habits or mishaps that hold you back
Your success is the coach's success.
Know that nothing good has ever been achieved without hard work; keep in your mind the vision of what can be and go reach it.

About Angela Miccio-Harris
Angela is Speaker& Coach. Passionate about helping busy, motivated people who wish to live their best Life Now! with changes that lasts around actions or mindsets that last. She is strategic and goal focused with a range of tools in her toolbox that she can pull from. So you get things in place gain insight and are moving ahead, creating greater joy and satisfaction instead of staying stuck or frustrated with your life, well-being, finances or work. She is a Results Certified BBC Coach from the Neuroleadership Group and a qualified member of the International Coaching Federation. Take advantage of the wealth of experience she has to offer with her Complimentary 30 minute “discovery session” at email She works with clients throughout New Zealand via Skype or face to face.