1 Tool to Build Self-Worth

Many people struggle with self-doubt. They think, "I want to believe I'm enough. I want to believe I'm worthy. But I don't know how.

A Peace Filled Mind

We may all differ in our thoughts as to what we want from life, but one thing we all can agree on is we a life of peace. Not worries, anxiety, issues nor problems. That would be bliss would it not? God’s Word however tells us “in this world you will have trouble” John 16: 33 Yet the Bible also tells us many Truths like "My peace I give you" and also …

Gratitude is Everything

What you appreciate, Appreciates! Gratitude - being thankful is a powerful transformational tool when used well. Gratefulness means “Great-Fullness!” Get ready to be “full” in your heart, spirit, your dream, purpose… in your home and provision!

Have You Lost Your Ability to Dream

Sometimes my clients lose their ability to dream. They feel exhausted, discouraged, and have no desire to imagine a better future, they are just too busy or stressed with the next task to get done. BY STEPHEN DESILVA - I felt this experience also when ...

You've Got This!

From time to time in life you may feel stuck that you have things to do or would like to do but are not making much progress. Welcome to Procrastination. Pay close attention because the answer may not be what you think...

Wisdom is Calling

Right now, is a time of preparation and decision it is imperative that we seek and partner with wisdom. It can be a time of excitement or a scary time also, as small, or big things are being re-ordered around us. If you feel …

Blazing Triumphantly Through This Year

This piece of writing comes more under being an article due to it's length. Enjoy as I share some thoughts and bit of my own journey the last five years. Regardless of what’s going on around you, it’s important to keep dreaming and to have a clear vision and some goals to reach for, with a pathway to get their. We are all called be the navigators of our life. Whether the next few months is a time

Starting the Year of Right! What it Takes

Do you desire 2022 to be better than 2021? Do you hunger to go further, accomplish more, live in contentment, make changes, and or see change in yourself? Yes? Read on! Many of us have no doubt all experienced a time where we overcame a large hurdle, achieved something fantastic and so know what it takes to do so. Looking back for me my biggest growth, development and accomplishment was....

New Beginnings 2022 – Six Points to Activate

We have definitely as of 3 December entered a new season - the traffic light system. It affects all areas of our lives, business, workplace, social, faith, recreation, and sadly for some people their relationships with others. Don't be holding your breath awaiting a return of “pre COVID” life. This is a new beginning a transition for us all. Regardless..

Four Points To Acquiring Courage

How do we obtain the courage we need to navigate everyday battles through to the big challenges from life? Here are four powerful tips to instigate.

3 Requirements For Contemporary Antidotes Today

We are all in a great time of transition. Transition brings uncertainty. Uncertainty really means “a certainty of change to what has been known”. Change affects us all in varying degrees. It produces portions of frustration, annoyance, fear, anger. We can be inundated with often unhelpful thoughts or voices around us which can bring us to a place of despair, But we want peace instead. 3 ant

Let's Look at "Endurance" to Succeed a Goal or Calling

Let’s take a look at the word Endurance. Something we all require if we desire to achieve success in either our business, life, finances or our health goals and wellness. The Merriam Webster Dictionary definition of Endurance states it is "the ability to..."

Transformational Change: Tackling Symptoms v. Causes and Doing v. Being

I know we are not here to stay stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed, and just survive. I know we are here to thrive, to do and be all God wants to do through us in all areas of our life. Our potential is bigger than we realize and to live a life of joy is going to be more effective for us then we think. Bear with me as I proceed further. Enjoy!!

10 Proven Money Management Tips

If you are wanting to be debt free, save faster, gain success with managing your finances then you need to ensure you are applying these 10 principles in the way you are using your money currently.

3 Powerful Reasons Why Joy is a Strength for Wellness

If you are trying to discover your calling, achieve a goal, or learn how to stop feeling overwhelmed, confused and get back to a sense of balance and focus, adopting a mindset of joy and gratitude can help ease the way to success. Let's talk about why it works.

4 Common Mistakes Made When Facing Challenging Times

How do you deal with challenging times? Do you have tools to help yourself navigate well a difficult season. Our most powerful instinct as humans is to “survive”.

Stay Focused on Your Vision and Refuse Distractions

Today it is even more important than ever to stay focused, to stay on the course of your vision. Many people face uncertainty with many different areas of their life, be it work or their finances or relationships lets ensure distractions are not an issue for you. We all agree that having a vision is the first and most important step to see our vision accomplished. So here are a few practical ...

Lets Talk Money as there is No Avoiding It

So let’s not avoid the topic around money in hope it will go away therefore I want to touch on couple of things. We all know that no matter what you earn or believe we all must deal with money. We all at various times will be thinking about money. We all work for money. Try and save money. Will spend money. And “give” our money to others. We all have to deal with it, so therefore...

Overwhelm & anxiety

OVERWHELM - when something is over you. You feel pushed down, defeated by your circumstances. It is important to acknowledge your heart is overwhelmed. Don’t ignore it and operate over the top! We live in a world where right now there is much

LASERVISION for 20-20: Be aware & ready

So its 2020, a new era and a new decade. This is a hugely exciting time!! Do not repeat mistakes or stay stuck. Be determined to grow into all you were created for. Do not look back, do not drag the past into your future in this new season. I want to encourage you around two major issues which I'm well familiar with which we can encounter. Which are...

Know your identity 20 - 20 vision

Remember though that identity is paramount. Purpose comes from identity. It isn’t the other way around. Working first from the place of knowing who you are will get you firmly grounded -.....So who are you? How do you tick? What triggers you, what are your... Mistakes others can make are

Shake it off!

Shake it off! What do you think we have to shake off? Our past! Think of your past as dirty dust that is stuck on you from your life experience. When I moved out after being in a home for 27 years, the dust that was located behind the bed, on top of the fridge and behind the washing machine was not a pleasant sight to see. Why does this happen? Because there is no....

Go for it! 4 steps to activate

What are your desires? What makes your heart sing? Allow yourself permission to seek this out and to daydream. Is it for a deeper improved relationship with your husband? More connected time with your kids? More fun (ie joy) in your life? Do you desire to leave behind a legacy? Have more money in the bank? Get ahead further in your business? Have a job you love? Have a purpose?..... Whats Yours?

5 reasons why we often stay emotionally triggered

Without getting into why we get emotionally triggered, or what is going on in our brain to make this occur, I want to look at why we often choose to stay there. This is an important and often overlooked aspect of being emotionally triggered. Here is the de-trigger sequence...

How to disempower and transform negative mindsets

All day long, you are thinking and processing information. Change your thinking and become empowered by Making Choice, Take Every Thought Captive and Replace Toxic Thoughts.

How to have more gratitude at this time of year

This really is one of my favorite times of year, because ‘tis the season to be thankful, as we get together with family and friends and enjoy each other’s company. Plus, it is summer that in itself is reason to be “Thankful” This is so applicable to what I teach, because in order to win with money (and in all areas of life, really), we need to....

How to throw a great wedding on a budget

The average wedding today costs $36,000.(3)Some of you may think, That’s outrageous! Others of you might think, Is that all? It just goes to show that expectations vary greatly from family to family. My hope is that you decide on an amount you can afford. Once you do that, work to keep your wedding budget in check by considering the following ...

A new norm to be encouraged

Society burdens us with its views and expectations to go to university, get a 9 am to 5 pm job, climb the corporate ladder, and have a family. But what do YOU want? The key to success.....

Transforming failures & frustrations into new possibilities

Failure isn’t the end of the line! If you still have breath in your body, you have the chance to move forward and grow through any experience. I want you to not just cope but learn from failures. Failure and frustration can be re-engineered into the very things that make you wiser, stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to fulfil your destiny. Here are six important things to do when...

Using your imagination to propel you to your dreams

Do we give ourselves permission to dream? It seems for many of us as children we get told to “stop day dreaming,” “that’s just wishful thinking it won’t happen” or “you need to think of something more realistic.” These spoken words have squashed many of our dreams. The revelation we all desperately need to grasp is ‘If you can see it, you can have it!’ Science now tells us

Stats of Kiwi household finances and effects of financial stress

It would appear to me that whatever stats you choose to look at they paint a pretty grim picture of the state of Kiwi household finances or this can create stress and anxiety. Here is a great article I thought to share as I totally agree with what she says here. Read on

5 everyday disasters from loans to be wware of

Google the Words "I want a loan" and you'll be offered many options to go to. But there is money to be made lending cash to Kiwis to fulfil their every whim — and the sharks are circling. Loans don't always "make life easier". They can spiral out of control. Here are 5 everyday disasters that can occur and many I have witnessed.. Loan

Why do I do what I do?

I wish for women to follow HER dreams and to stretch and grow and to confidently choose how she wishes to spend and save and invest her money. I hope for her life to be incredible! It won’t be the same incredible as my story because we all get to create our own tale about life and about money. (Yes, money and life are so intertwined that I don’t know that they can ever really be separated.)

Health is your wealth

Many surveys show that stress AFFECTS YOUR ENERGY LEVELS AND SO AFFECTS your productivity. Science tells us that stress is linked to many different diseases, it is toxic to our bodies and if we don’t make adjustments then we will later pay the price for living a life...

4 ways to avoid money arguments in your relationship

Money conflicts are responsible for 27% of all divorces, making it the third leading cause, according to the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysis. This may seem rather grim for married couples, but it doesn’t have to be. There are various steps that experts say couples can take to avoid letting money matters get the best of their marriage. So whether you’re about to say......

5 tactics to beat the blues & boost productivity

Life happens. Things go wrong. It's not always going to go smoothly for any of us. But if you get into a subconscious habit of focusing too much on the... Take a read and gain some tips and insights.

Are you trying to be a superwoman?

Usually, mothers fall more easily into this category… We are trying to be a great mum, a great wife, keep the household clean and in order, cook great meals, whilst working and building our own careers and/or supporting and working for our husbands. It all is too much and often comparison starts to happen (especially in the context of our friends). We are in a society where....

Emails, social media: Procrastination tip

A different view on how to deal with overcoming procrastination that many of you may find helpful. I know it made me think and so I came up with my own strategy to combat moments of procrastination, which has been great. After all we are all different what works for one as a overcoming tool may not be successful for someone else. Take a read see if it could help you.

8 ways to save money & reach your financial goals

The New Year provides the perfect opportunity to examine past spending habits and look for new ways to set goals and save money. Planning a budget, let alone sticking to one, can seem like a daunting task, but by taking little steps, you can effect big financial changes. Let’s get started:

3 tips for setting realistic goals

What do you SEE for yourself in 2017? I encourage you to stop and take a look. Know that what you spend your energy on that is what will grow. If it is finances then you well grow finances, if its chaos and frustration then that’s what will grow. So know what you want and stay diligently focused on that. 1. If you set goals that make you

How to set & achieve your goals

We often do things by habit or allow things to just unfold, but if you want success in an area then train your brain into seeking the important things in your life which you want. Here are 11 tips that..

The Empowered Woman - Mastermind group

Let’s be honest and not kid ourselves, it’s hard being a successful business woman by yourself. It’s not unachievable, but it’s a lot of hard slog. On the other hand, having a support team you can rely on to help you push through is an amazing resource.

Are you serious ?? I mean really?

Do you find that sometimes life is just all a bit too much?! I know I do at times and so do some of my clients when they first come to me. It’s like you go from: I need to save a deposit for a house, for retirement, where does all my money go each week I never have enough, to I have no emergency account or am I paying too much in insurances, power? How much is too much for groceries? I should be

Tips to be financially prepared & stress-free this Christmas

Dave Ramsey says it perfectly. "Why are we stressed financially at Christmas when we have all year to plan for it? We know it’s coming!" It's one of the most expensive and busiest times of the year, with only 4 months to go we need to start preparing for it now if we have not yet begun. Think about what would you...

3 questions to help you save money

Just 22% of us have six months of expenses saved while nearly 30% have no emergency savings at all, according to post sometime last year from NZIER. That’s surprising because “spending less and saving more” have ranked in the top 5 list of most popular resolutions in the last three years. Clearly, we want to increase our savings but feel like we can’t. Maybe you can relate. Your income is tied up

3 money mindset tips to help you believe and so succeed

Most people prefer not to talk about money, ask for help or ask others who are succeeding with money as to what they are doing. It’s a bit like money is a dirty word it may mean if you bring it up that you aren’t doing well or that you are wanting more and therefore not content with what you have so are ungrateful. These are just two forms of stingy thinking. Like anything...

5 tips to clear your credit card or HP debt, FASTER!

You may be in a position where your personal debt or mortgage is getting in the way of achieving financial freedom. Then you need a plan, one that won’t compromise your lifestyle.

3 decisions that will change your life

There’s nothing worse than a rich person who is angry or unhappy. It results from an unbalanced life, one with too much expectation, or blame and not enough appreciation for what’s there. Without gratitude and appreciation for what you already have, you’ll never know true fulfillment. But how do you cultivate balance in life?

3 reasons why work-life balance is important

We live in a very fast paced world and therefore the ability to achieve work life balance is becoming more and more difficult. Employers expect more from staff, and we put more pressure on ourselves to achieve greater results. But when did it become OK for our 9am to 5pm working day to become 8am to 7pm? Many of us have allowed this to happen, whether it is through conforming to workplace...

How to make the best choice when your gut and logic disagree

Until we make a decision we have no target. It is like shooting an arrow in the air with no clue when it will land and we are left stuck and frustrated. Conversely when we make a decision we create mental maps that than direct us to the fulfillment of the decision made. We often hear it said go with your gut, and I must admit I am a person who......

4 knockout ways to setting powerful goals

Goal-setting is powerful because it provides focus. It shapes our dreams. It gives us the ability to see the exact actions we need to perform to achieve what we desire. Goals are great because they cause us to stretch and grow in ways that we never have before. Life is designed in such a way that we can dream for the future and live in the present. read on for discovering how to get the best....

2016 is your life so your choice!

We all dream of great things for our lives, don’t we? A fulfilling marriage, great relationships, happy kids, a meaningful and profitable career and less or no stress. We all know people who have achieved those things, so we know it’s possible. What if I told you the first step toward reaching that potential was as simple as answering just three questions? read on..

5 important talks If you are getting out of debt these holidays

This is the year you finally decided to get out of debt. Great! But wait—what about Christmas? It takes the average person 18 to 24 months to get out of debt. So if you’re really serious about changing your family tree, Christmas will have to change too. Plus maybe you aren't in debt so lets avoid any debt this Christmas.. keep reading

What's the big deal about debt?

I hear this question a lot especially amongest the 18-23 year old's Whether you are young or old, you don’t want any part of debt. When you’re young, you have your entire life in front of you. As you get older, you want to enjoy your friends and family without being burdened by money issues. Living with debt means your choices are limited. You lack freedom. And that’s just no way to live, plus

5 steps to gaining financial freedom

First are you currently: In control of your money and managing it well? Spending less than you earn? If yes then keep reading because there are many opportunities available today to obtain financial freedom. Nothing comes without some risk involved but too much fear will get in the way of you moving forward. If you answered no then your first step is to ......

Do we need to be so busy & stressed before Christmas?

I was having a chat in the week to my friend as we both keep hearing how everyone is saying that their life has got so busy at the moment, work is busy and everyone wants everything done yesterday. Many I meet are stressed and we’ll be glad when it’s all over. For those of you who love the frantic build up to the holiday season then that’s fine and this read won’t apply to you, but for you...

No holiday headaches: 3 actions you must take now

Christmas is the best, you get to hang stockings, shop for your favourite people, and gather around a large table and eat like a King. There is no other time of the year quite like it. That’s why it’s so easy to get carried away with your shopping. I wouldn't want to see you end up with a big credit card bill come February, this is a headache that none of us need. Actions to take now.. .

How to plan a wedding budget & some tips

Congratulations on the upcoming big day! There are of course so many things to plan and organise and it all costs money. What can you afford and how much will you need? This of course is personal and every situation is different. It does not have to be over the top and lavish. You can have a fabulous wedding without breaking the budget. If you plan wisely. It shouldn’t be...

10 great quotes on the power of dreams & how to dream

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" by Eleanor Roosevelt

10 tips for when life doesn't go as you had planned

“We all have problems. The way we solve them makes us different” – Unknown. Now isn’t that the truth. It’s our response to the problem that has occurred that determines the outcome. Some stories are so small that they can create just a minor bump in our day to day life, while others go deeper. So much so, that they can change the course of our lives. My story was enough of a bump that ...

7 tips for saving money on your supermarket bill

If you have a family, grocery shopping is probably one of your top two weekly expenses, right behind your rent or mortgage. But the good news is that, unlike some bills, you have a strong measure of control over the size of your grocery bill. There are ways to save money on groceries and to take a big chunk out of your food budget.....

What determines your wealth?

Do you struggle with money? Do you find yourself living pay check to pay check, struggling to make ends meet, despite trying your best to save and strive for more? If so, you’re not alone. I’ve come to understand exactly what drives people’s financial behaviour – and it’s not what you think.

4 truths for a winning state of mind

Would you like a better relationship with your friends? Have success with your personal finance? Love to have time for some exercise? Or do you just wish things could be better in certain areas of your life, but there just seems to be some kind of internal resistance/barrier. People who are successful seem to...

5 reasons why people never become wealthy

What are your views? below are my top 5 reasons, with one overall reason that under rides the top 5 and often pops up in other areas of their life also... Take a read and let me know your experiences or thoughts.

How to master financial success in your life

The rules for achieving financial success are simple. More importantly following these rules are vital to obtain your financial independence. The Rules Are: 1. We have heard it before.......

4 things that really productive people do every single day

If something is working for you then stick with it, don’t fix what isn't broken e.g. some people like running as a form of exercise, some like work out video’s, others like swimming. So work with what is good for you either ways can be right.

Accessing the power of gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude's effectiveness, suggesting that a positive appreciation attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of confidence and well being plus a faster rate of recovery from surgery.

Tale of financial infidelity

How Women Can Get Smart about Money Article by Nanci Hellmich from USA TODAY Barbara Stanny, 67, the daughter of Richard Bloch, the "R" of H&R Block, inherited a substantial amount of money, but her husband squandered much of it in bad investments. By the time the marriage ended after 15 years, she had three young children and owed more than $1 million in back taxes.

Do I commit or quit??

How do I know when the obstacles are just part of the game? Or is it just too hard? You do have to push sometimes, but how do I know when it’s the right time to push or it’s just time to give up, quit and move on? This is a big juicy question, but the fact is...

3 money mindsets to help you believe for success & so receive

Most people prefer not to talk about money, ask for help or ask others who are succeeding with money as to what they are doing. It’s a bit like money is a dirty word it may mean if you bring it up that you aren’t doing well or......

How could we turn our goals Into reality?

As I was writing my to do list for 2015, the things I wanted to focus on for my business this year. I couldn't help but wonder what my achievement level would be like if I had the following thing happen to me, so I thought I'd share my thoughts with you..

“Will your 2015 be better than your 2014? - D.A.R.E.”

I'm not usually one that is into New Year’s Resolution as I have seen many people make them but they soon after a few weeks fall flat to the ground. To succeed and to ensure 2015 will be even better than 2014 (be it with your finances or any area of your Life) first you need to discover what is your Desire? What do you want, want to accomplish, and want to change?? What will you actually do...

3 hilarious but terrible retirement tips

What are your views on saving for your Retirement? I have found that many people have a variety of views on this some good advice some bad advice. Take a read at a few

6 best practical self-motivational insights for success

We know that a lot of people start things they don't finish they have hopes and dreams but they just don keep going. You wake up and don't feel like going to the gym or to chase your dream... At the base of every single goal or value we have, to be able to achieve it, to see it actualized. It comes back to Motivation. We need to activate ourselves. Do not let fear hold you back. People who are

Do you have a marriage problem or a money problem?

Many divorces are attributed to couples having money problems which courses them to fight and argue. Money stresses are in the top 3 causes for divorce, but money in itself is not the real issue here. Lets take a look...

9 most common things that New Zealanders waste their money on

The people I meet pretty much all have the same desire, they wish they could be saving more money to buy and do what they really want. So why then do so many of us fall short in achieving the lifestyle we dream of?

You can’t live life well, without doing THIS first

Whether you are young or old, you don’t want any part of debt. When you're young, you have your entire life in front of you. As you get older, you want to enjoy your friends and family without being burdened by money issues.

8 "musts" to succeed In business

So many businesses fail after the first 3 years of being self employed, which makes many people afraid to step out and follow their dreams. I myself have only been in this business just over one year. (To date – 2014) I have listened to many experts, read books, heard talks and webinars from highly successful people in business saying what is required to be successful. Here are some simple basic

What is your belief or philosophy for life?

There are many attributes which go towards living a good fulfilled life. Have you considered what are your values? What do you want to pass on? Below are some and one that I think that in todays world can very easily get overlooked

Teach your kids to save

Some of us enjoy exercising our saving muscles more than others. When we don’t it’s because we are Primary Spenders. But just because you may not like to exercise it, you should. Just like our physical muscles can get bigger, teach your kids to exercise their Saver Muscle.

Success keys 3: for life, business & your finances

We are often told not to do what we are passionate about - it’s too risky, too hard, you are dreaming, be it for Life, Business or our own financial goals we have. But are encouraged to be more practical, to take the safe road. Just because it's the 'safe road', the known way, does not guarantee success either. We can fail at anything we do. So what is needed?

What is a money coach & why bother with one?

A Money Coach is what I am and I help those who are stuck, feeling frustrated or overwhelmed and are ready for change in the area of Finance. Like a Personal Trainer I will ask you a series of questions to discover what your goals are and to find out what you are currently doing in regards to your finances. I set people up with new strategies to achieve their goals plus,

What are you waiting for?

Do you have a plan in place as to where your Retirement income is going to come from? Can you rely on the Government to provide this for us? If not, then are you relying on an inheritance from your parents? Do you have property other than the house you live in or assets of value? If not then how are you going to live? I’m meeting so many people that have nothing in place, its ..

11 reasons why you are not as In control of your finances as you would like

You are the only one in control of your life story. You can’t control the past. No matter what took place there, there is no point continuing to blame people or events but you can take control now…the future is yours. Often before we can move forward though we do need to stop and understand where we have come from. This is especially true in regards to.....

How to overcome challenges that want to hinder your progress

Challenges and obstacles are something we all need to be geared up for and equipped to deal with, because life just happens and will often throw us an unexpected curve ball. You get knocked down so how do you get up..? What do you do..? read on..

Who Is ready for 2014? Or Christmas...

We live in such a fast paced world that the lead up to Christmas just gets even more crazy for many which is probably partly why we make such grand New Years Resolutions with little real thought that for the majority fall flat to the floor.. Lets see if we can do things differently now before it also ends up a plan for next time.....

Our financial health starts with our thoughts and attitudes first

Did you realise that your attitude and thoughts towards money affects your Bank Balance. The Power of your Mind, your beliefs, self talk and past, play a huge part in whether you well financially be successful. That’s why I’m afraid it is not the Budget that does not work.