Our financial health starts with our thoughts and attitudes first
- 8 August 2013
- Angela Miccio-Harris
Did you realise that your attitude and thoughts towards money affect your bank balance? The power of your mind, your beliefs, self talk and past, play a huge part in whether you will financially be successful. That’s why I’m afraid it is not the budget that does not work.
Know what you value?
What is important to you?
What are your goals?
What is your purpose with the money you earn?
Why are you earning it?
What is your attitude and thoughts about Money?
The way you think about money will govern your financial success
One common evidence of financial disease is found in the area of your thoughts. When it comes to money, what do you think about? What goes through your grey matter when you see in the news about the depressed economy? Or when someone asks for money, what thoughts go through your mind. If you wander toward worry, then you may have found the fingerprint of a struggle with provision.
Lies lodged deep in your core (heart) that shout you will be overlooked or forgotten, that you aren’t able to earn enough will only produce fear and reckless behaviour.
Do you just spend today thinking tomorrow or next year we’ll take care of itself, with no plans made for an emergency or a mishap that may occur?
Our thoughts/behaviours in regards to money come from a variety of areas. Your attitude towards money affects your emotions and your motivations. This then has an impact on your life – relationships –finances.
Family, culture, beliefs, society. All shape you and your spending.
Questions to ask yourself to pinpoint your thoughts and attitudes towards money
- Do you buy on impulse and emotions?
- Do you believe money is evil?
- Do you think I’ll always be broke this is just the way it is for me?
- Do you have a “shall be right attitude”, I’ll change later, save later...
- Do you think it’s all just too hard?
- Do you use cash often the eftpos card and hence not know where all the cents go?
- Do not be fooled into thinking the more you earn the better the things will be for me, not completely true, this is a fleas belief a unconscious thought pattern that has developed by wrong thinking, habits, learnt behaviours from parents? ... Those close to you.
If you don’t learn to manage the small amount of income you get you won’t manage the larger income you may get later. I’ve seen this in those I worked with in the bank often...
Another reason things don’t change with your financial situation to see improved long term positive results, is because one first needs to be at a place where they are really frustrated/annoyed and sick of where they are at!! Change can happen for a few months but not long term. It is lot like a smoker until they come to a place of really hating it they can’t get rid of the habit long term. It’s just another New Year’s Resolution.
So where are you at? And who are you? when it comes to your income. These are things worth thinking about, if you think you want to improve your financial situation, especially if you are in a relationship with someone and you have joint income. More on that issue another time.

About Angela Miccio-Harris
Angela is Speaker& Coach. Passionate about helping busy, motivated people who wish to live their best Life Now! with changes that lasts around actions or mindsets that last. She is strategic and goal focused with a range of tools in her toolbox that she can pull from. So you get things in place gain insight and are moving ahead, creating greater joy and satisfaction instead of staying stuck or frustrated with your life, well-being, finances or work. She is a Results Certified BBC Coach from the Neuroleadership Group and a qualified member of the International Coaching Federation. Take advantage of the wealth of experience she has to offer with her Complimentary 30 minute “discovery session” at www.angelamiccio-harris.co.nz email angela@thekingdomcentre.co.nz She works with clients throughout New Zealand via Skype or face to face.